Sunday, March 27, 2011


Mr William Lukuvi
Loliondo in Arusha Region, where thousands of people are pouring in every day, attracted by belief that a retired Lutheran pastor can cure all manner of illnesses with a cupful of his herbal medicine is perhaps one of the toughest challenges for the government in recent times.Had it been that easy, the government would by now have clamped down on the unverified dispensing of herbs to critically ill people by an ageing cleric.

But the faith in the Rev Ambikile Mwasapile “miracle cures’ appears to have grown so strong that not only Tanzanians, but people from the neighbouring countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Democratic Republic of Congo are making the pilgrimage to the remote village.

The government has been rather cautious most probably because it would be foolhardy to try and block a people hoping there lies a remedy for their illnesses. However, the same government must also ensure that people are not taken for a ride.

Interestingly, the minister for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Haji Mponda, had to reverse his order suspending the Loliondo treatment until the samples of the herbal concoction could be scientifically tested.

His Cabinet colleague, Mr William Lukuvi,  local administrators and security chiefs from various regions are grappling with how to deal with the humanitarian crisis arising from the continuing influx into the little village.

The government must manage the large numbers of people headed for Loliondo, especially following reports that some seriously ill patients have been spirited out of their hospital beds. The little remote village lacks the amenities to cater for the numerous motor vehicles carrying hordes of people.

Officials on the ground are reporting that many vehicles are stuck in a convoy stretching over 20km from the pastor’s home and some patients have succumbed to their illnesses. Our reporter saw at least three dead bodies within two days, and there is talk that the daily death toll could be up to five.

Loliondo could easily degenerate into a tragedy of monumental proportions, as more people arrive. The government must intervene to restore order and ensure that basic supplies reach those stuck in the area, as torrential rains have worsened the situation. This is why we welcome the government’s decision to send a team to assess the situation and see what needs to be done to avert a catastrophe.

However, remedial measures must not wait for the officials to return and compile their report, which will then be discussed and recommendations made to the government. Urgent steps must be taken to prevent epidemics.

Without water, food, toilets and other amenities like shelter, patients and their relatives are at grave risk.
The situation calls for the intervention of an institution that has proven ability in dealing with such emergencies. We have in mind the military, which has the capacity to bring such situations under control.

Minister Lukuvi and the team of regional administrators should co-ordinate the operation, which should, of course, include the police, to immediately clear the traffic mayhem and public health personnel to help prevent epidemics. Also to be involved are humanitarian organisations and volunteers.

The old man’s rudimentary village “hospital” lacks the capacity to deal with the sheer numbers massing there. Unless a major operation is mounted now, Loliondo could become the shame of the nation. The safety of the citizens is paramount and must never be compromised.

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